How frequent are my peak experiences, and what are they like? I think I need a more explicit picture of what peak experiences look like in order to get a feeling for frequency; if I don't really know what they look like, it's hard for me to retrospectively say how often they happen (though I could just keep a counter in the future to get better data). I also think it'd be nice to have better vocabulary for peak experiences because then maybe I'd notice and appreciate them more, the same way having a better vocabulary for experiences of food, music, or movies helps me appreciate them more.
Here's an attempt at listing categories of peak experience that I've had, with made-up names that are supposed to get the gist across. I've left out a couple of things that aren't polite to blog about, and are probably obvious :) I'm sure I'm missing some categories or cutting things the wrong way in some cases, and it'd be interesting to find out whether other folks share these categories.
Frisson: actual frisson, a physical tingle or shiver along with a feeling of intense emotional response and emotion to an idea, a piece of music, or both. Often includes tearing up. It's a little embarrassing to give examples of what causes this in me, and I'm not sure why; it feels closely linked to the deepest and scariest-to-expose parts of my personal experience.
- Duration: up to a minute?
- Frequency: several times a week, probably?
On Fire: a feeling of excitement and cockiness about my work and the work of my community more generally. A feeling that my particular skills and idiosyncrasies line up really well with what I'm doing with my life. Sometimes related to reflecting on recent achievements. Kind of manic, but in a pleasant way. Check out how this guy dances; confident! (The end of that video is great, by the way.)
- Duration: a few minutes to 15 minutes?
- Frequency: once every week or two?
Deep Connection: hard to describe; a feeling of the removal of barriers between me and a person or people I'm with, or between me and the rest of the world. It feels like a lot of machinery that normally goes into charting my individual course through the world is turned off, and I'm not calculating risks and benefits anymore. I haven't had this happen without alcohol and a very comfortable social setting (that I'm in or have just left). If I'm alone, music helps a lot.
- Duration: a minute?
- Frequency: not sure; no more than a few times per year.
Pinch Me: this is a feeling I get when I realize I'm in a situation that's way outside what I expected in my gut (in a good way). For example, standing in the back of a water taxi speeding between islands in Venice at sunset (humblebrag!). It's sort of like a really nice form of incredulity, a feeling that a long-shot bet taken on a whim has paid off, or a feeling that I don't have any reasonable right to be experiencing this, but not in a way that pulls me out of the moment or makes me feel guilty about it.
- Duration: a few minutes to a half-hour?
- Frequency: maybe once or twice a year. By their nature, it seems like these can't happen very often.
A few notes from making this list:
- Three of these categories are basically solitary, and the fourth (deep connection) I think I experience in a basically solitary way, despite it being about removing barriers between me and others / the world. This feels like a property of my intense experiences generally (good and bad). Is this correct, or typical?
- Music is a big factor!
- Higher-order awareness: it's tempting to think that these feelings are naturally higher-order ones, where being aware of the experience is part of the experience. I'm not sure this is right; certainly the only peak experiences I can report are ones that I took note of (e.g. by noticing the distinctive physical sensations of frisson), but I think these experiences would still be good if I wasn't taking note of them. Maybe there are whole categories that I wasn't very aware of, and so can't report!
- Flow is missing; I don't think I've experienced it. Ditto for anything involving raising kids.
This post felt pretty navel-gazey, and I'm generally skeptical that introspection of this kind translates well to writing -- everyone's experiences are different, and the insights that I have about myself might not be very applicable to others. I think I'll try to limit posts that are just about me and my experiences, but this is one I've been meaning to write for a while, so I'm glad I got it out there. (It also resulted in me changing my list of categories, which is useful for me.)
Re. your concern about being too navel-gazey/introspective: it didn't feel that way at all for me, I really liked this post! I have a similar concern as a lot of what I write is very introspective, but I generally just try to make it clear I'm not suggesting my experiences necessarily generalise to others - just that they may be sufficiently similar to be interesting to others. Or I try to frame it more as "here's an experience of mine that made me think about a more general problem/thing, here are my thoughts on the more general thing." Regardless, this post made me think about my own peak experiences in a really useful way (and in a way I hadn't done before), so I don't think you're too much at risk of being overly navel-gazey yet! :)