Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blog Brag, with Numbers

I had Many Achievements today that I want to brag about:

  • 9 hours of work, only 1 of which was a meeting (I don't know how people put in 8 hours of real, actual work in a day. Do most people really do this? I guess most people in service industries and skilled/unskilled labor do. I'm amazed by this.) (I know I should count achievement of goals instead of hours spent -- hours are on the "cost" side of the balance sheet -- but in my case hours and achievement scale together, more or less.)
  • 3 meals, including plants in each one (oatmeal and blueberries; salad (greens, carrot, and bell pepper) and a quesadilla; salad (same) and PBJ; ice cream)
  • ~32 emails sent
  • ~7 dishes and ~7 silverware washed
  • 17 is the level I reached in Hearthstone :)
  • 1 call to Grandparents
It was a really unusually good day, according to my metrics. Less time with K than I would have liked, so we'll have to see how I can fix that.